Where do you ship?

We ship worldwide. You can see the exact shipping price by adding the amount of products you wish to purchase, during checkout the exact shipping price will be calculated.
By placing an order with us, you authorize us or our designee to facilitate shipment to your address.

You also acknowledge that, pursuant to the customs laws of your place of delivery, the shipment may incur duties and import taxes upon delivery. This charge is determined by your local customs authority. Payment of these may be necessary to release your order from customs. For more information, please consult your local customs office.

Which currency is showed?

The default currency is danish crowns, when you place your products in the cart the currency will automatically update to the currency assigned to your IP adress.

Where are you based?

Copenhagen, Denmark.

How long until my order ships?

We strive to ship your order placed within 2PM CEST on the same business day. Orders placed after that time period will be shipped the next business day. 

What is there was an error on my shipping address?

Please be sure to double check all information before checking out to ensure a quick shipping process. If you notice an error, please contact info@socialclubboutique.com with your order no. 

How can I track my order?

Once your package has shipped, you will receive an e-mail with corresponding tracking information

What if my package is lost? 

We will ensure your package is sent out in time but once the package leaves our facility, it fall under the liability of the courier and can be subject to issues that are out of our control. You will need to contact the according shipping service for updates on any delays or shipping errors. 

Please make inquiries on idle packages within 30 days from the order date. 

How do I cancel my order?

Please contact us at info@socialclubboutique.com with order no.

What is the refund policy? 

Please head over to our refund policy to see the specific refund policy. 
Can I return sales products?

All sales products are final.

What if something is out of stock? 

Stay tuned on our social media channels and subscribe to the Social Club newsletter for any future restock announcements and further drops. 

What if I have further questions?

Please reach out to customer service info@socialclubboutique.com for any further questions.